Madame Tussaud & the Planetarium

A History of Me Previous Next

0n Tuesday 22nd of July I went to Madame Tussaud where I went thoroughly through the 'Chamber of Horrors' and went round the rest in 20 minutes.

Then I went to 'Metal Box' Co. where Uncle worked in the finance department. (I think this was in Baker Street. I remember looking out a window and my uncle pointing out a member of staff called Christmas - so, I really did see Father Christmas !) There I had dinner in the canteen and met John who had a half day and we went and saw London from the roof.



Then John and I went to the Planetarium - 3 shilling (£0.15). As it was raining when we came out we went to a News Theatre (cinema which ran a continuous program of news items).


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Jan 2006