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The 'Crab and Winkle Line' - INVICTA

Original Drawing

Drawing, dated July 1830, of a steam 'locomotion engine'

Drawing of a Detail

The wheels of a steam locomotive designed by Robert Stephenson

The above drawings are of a steam 'locomotion engine' designed by Robert Stephenson (1803-1859), and are thought to be for the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway. If this is the case, these would be the first drawings of Invicta, an 0-4-0 inclined cylinder tender locomotive built by Robert Stephenson of Newcastle for £635, which pulled three carriages.

Invicta was the first to use a steam manifold above the boiler. The benefits of obtaining drier steam through the manifold led directly to steam domes being used on subsequent locomotives. The steam inside the dome was 'drier' than that in the top of the boiler generally, being less affected by the turbulence of the water. The dome was thus a simple solution to the problem of water being carried into the cylinders, which significantly reduced the efficiency of Rocket and other early locomotives.


Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at elliottsimpson@hotmail.com

Dec 2005