Ninewells Hospital

Stracathro Hospital

Bridge of Earn Hospital was built in 1939 as one of the Emergency Medical Services (E.M.S.) Hospitals at the start of World War II. The laboratory was believed to have been started by the chief pharmacist who studied sulphonamides crystallisable from patient urine and compared them with the crystals from the tablet. In 1946 the rehabilitation unit, which had been established at Gleneagles Hotel in 1942, was transferred to Bridge of Earn and Gleneagles reverted to being a Railway Hotel. (ref: 168)

James P Montgomery of Perth Pathology Laboratory joined the ACB in 1966.

John Green, who had been in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (1948 to 1952) and who was Consultant in the St Mary's Hospital Group, London, was Consultant Pathologist at Perth Infirmary.

Heather P Stevenson from Belfast was appointed to a joint Principal Biochemist post between Perth and Ninewells in 1997.

Bridge of Earn Hospital closed in 1992.

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