Jesus said, "This is how you should pray, 'Our Father in heaven: may your holy name be honoured; may your kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need. Forgive us the wrongs we have done'." - Matthew 6 v 9 - 12
Turn to the Lord and pray to him, now that he is near. Let the wicked leave their way of life and change their way of thinking. Let them turn to the Lord, our God; he is merciful and quick to forgive. - Isaiah 55 v 6 - 7
Be merciful to me, O God, because of your constant love. Because of your great mercy wipe away all my sins! Wash away all my evil and make me clean from all my sin!
I recognise my faults; I am always conscious of my sins. I have sinned against you - only against you - and done what you consider evil. So you are right in judging me; you are justified in condemning me. I have been evil from the time I was born; from the day of my birth I have been sinful. Sincerity and truth are what you require; fill my mind with your wisdom. Remove my sin, and I will be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. - Psalm 51 v 1-7
My Father in heaven, so often I'm haunted by the past. I have so many regrets. I have been such a fool at times. I have wasted opportunities of doing good. I've spoken out when I should have kept my mouth tight shut and I've been too cowardly to speak up when I should have supported what I knew was true and right. There have been times when I should have said, 'Thank you' and I didn't. There have been times when I have spread cruel gossip. And as for my conduct! You alone know just how bad I've been. So I come to you now with this simple prayer. 'Please forgive the wrong I have done.' I make no excuses. I have none to make. But I look to that Cross at Calvary and the One who died there for me, and I pray, 'Please forgive the wrong I have done - for the sake of Jesus Christ my Lord.'